I think every story starts with a "Hello". We control what happens after :)
Female, Straight, 36yo
For short, I am just your normal, average girl, with nice boobs (I had to say that) that loves a smart ass conversation with a smart ass man. Shall I add that I have an amazing morning face? Ok, I won't. A birdie told me that being modest it's a must have for a woman. Hmm, shall I continue? or is it better to wrap myself with some weird kind of mystery? Nah... I am open as a book. (well except for my legs... those two are soo stubborn, they just stick together). But seriously, I will wrap it up
Having a sense of humour, being creative or even having initiative are such a turn on, at least for me. If you manage to make me laugh, we are halfway there :P
Rudeness its so gross. I mean why would someone even be rude? :P
Whenever I find the time, Im like the ninja lover :)) I pop up when you least expect it :))
I think every date is different and should be a surprise- makes things more exciting. Get to know me and let's see what we can do together :P
Glasses, Humor, Kissing, Make up, Piercings & tattoos, Strip-tease, Ask about my other interests
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